Downloadable Files
Here you’ll find the latest files I’m working on. Some are 3D-printable, others may be config files for various devices such as radios or ESCs and even occasionally for Arduino or whatever else I might be working on.
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Servo Bracket for Cross RC UT4 Pro
Micro Servo Bracket for Cross RC UT4 ProWhat This Is There's a bracket on the Cross RC UT4 Pro that lets you have indepenent control of the front and rear diff locks with two servos, or to combine them and use just one servo for both. However, a standard servo won't...

Weight Plate Bracket for RC4WD Intimidator
Use the most readily available weight plates with my Weight Plate Bracket for RC4WD Intimidator!

Cross Brace for 560 Motor in FMS FCX10
Want to fit a 560 motor (or other long motor) in your FMS FCX10 and don’t want to lose chassis rigidity? This cross-brace is what you need!

Tray Fix for Furitek FX-118
The Furitek FX-118 has a brushless system in a 1/18 chassis, with strong steering & radio too. But there’s a problem with CoG. Let’s fix it!

Custom Body for Losi LMT Mega Trucks
Custom Body for Losi LMT Mega TrucksWhat This Is These are my custom parts to help complete the project started by redbeard_ron on Thingiverse some time back. I've included a hood piece that helps secure the polycarbonate interior, and a pair of rear panels to help...

Comp Course Labels
If you’re running WRCCA RC crawling comps and need clearer labels for your courses, this is the place to download a full set, plus a blank!

My MN-82 Landcruiser Overhaul
The MN-82 Landcruiser is affordable & pretty. Okay trail rig, poor crawler. But I see potential! Download my free body & performance upgrades!

Total Rework for Redcat Ascent Fusion
Ultimate mods for Redcat Ascent Fusion! Better steering. 4-link up front. Comp-legal tray. Cantilever suspension. And tire inserts! Winning!

Auto Tow Hitch for Cross RC EMO X3
The new Cross RC EMO X3 is lovely! But I thought it needed a little automation for that hands-free towing experience! Check it out!

Scale-1 Conversion for SCX10 III JLU
Scale-1 Conversion: using PETG, PLA+ & TPU, my SCX10 III JLU crawler is now more dangerous than ever! It’s ready for WRCCA Scale-1 Comps!